Google Gets Social, Again!
social networking





Google has reaffirmed their strong interest in social media once again. After all, Facebook is getting way to much traffic, and they offer pay per click advertising just like Google.

Just recently, Larry Page stepped in as the new CEO and from what we have read, employee bonuses are now connected to the success of Google’s new social programs that are about to be rolled out. If you are an employee at Google counting on your bonus, that should make you nervous because Google has never done very well with any of their social media efforts. They have a fantastic search engine, but have failed terribly, when it comes to getting social media right.

Nicholas Carlson of Business Insider wrote this afternoon, “New Google CEO Larry Page, who stepped into the job this week, believes that Google needs to go ‘social’ to compete. . . . To that end, he sent out a company-wide memo last Friday, alerting employees that 25% of their annual bonus will be tied to the success or failure of Google’s social strategy in 2011.”

In early April, Google began its newest social attempt, called +1. It’s a button that appears in SERPS (search engine results pages) next to the blue links on Google Search results. Searchers can click them. These clicks are like votes that say “this is something I like and you should check it out.” Sounds a lot like Facebook’s like button to me.

It will be interesting to see how this changes search results, and how well Google does on their newest venture. One thing is for sure. If you don’t like it, their will be plenty of Google employees that do. From the garbage man to the big man, all will be accountable.